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From Mexico City to Cancun 12 Days

Mexico - Mexico City; Puebla; Oaxaca; Tuxtla Gutierrez; San Cristobal De Las Casas; Palenque; Campeche; Merida; Rio Lagartos; Cancun

Product Code:31681088

  • Start From
    Mexico City
  • Tour Ended
  • Travel Days
    12 Days 11 Nights
Attractions Multi Days Tour Activities
Quick Notes
Admission Included Breakfast Included Europamundo

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From Mexico City to Cancun 11 Days (2023-2024)
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    Guranteed Departure
    Boat trip in: Xochimilco in Ciudad de México, Sumidero Canyon.
    City tour in : Mexico City, Teotihuacan, Oaxaca, Palenque, Merida Mx, Chichen Itza.
    Evening tour: Garibaldi Square in Ciudad de México, Sacred Stones show of light and sound in Merida.
    Transfer: Basilica of Guadalupe in Ciudad de Mexico, Marimba music live in Tuxtla.
    Admission ticket: archaeological site of Teotihuacán, Archaeological site of Mount Alban in Oaxaca, Agua Azul National Park, archaeological site of Palenque, Chichen Itzan site.
    9 Lunch or Dinner Included in: Mexico City, Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Agua Azul, Palenque, Champoton, Merida Mx, Merida Mx, Merida.


    Mexico City


    Welcome to Mexico. Transfer to hotel and free time.

    Our guide will contact you late in the afternoon or provide information through the informative panels in the hotel reception area.-


    Mexico City

    Breakfast:Hotel    Dinner:Mexico City

    Today we have a fantastic day acquaint ourselves with Mexico. We include a sightseeing tour of the city. We will visit the Plaza of Three Cultures, and the historic centre in which the Zócalo (main square) and its Metropolitan Cathedral stand out, the main Aztec temple, Chapultepec Park, the “Paseo de la Reforma” Avenue and the other main avenues of this impressive city. At the end of the visit we travel to the BASILICA OF GUADALUPE, the most visited Catholic temple in the Americas where the Virgin of Guadalupe is found. There we will be able to explore the old basilica dating back to the 18th Century and also the modern temple. In the afternoon we travel to the neighbourhood of XOCHIMILCO, a wonderful place with its canals and semi-floating gardens. Here we include a ride in a “trajinera”, one of the boats festooned with flowers.  In the evening we include a transfer to the Plaza de GARIBALDI, with its bars, restaurants and bars where tacos and tequila are served and the Mariachis sing. Dinner is included in a traditional restaurant


    Mexico City - Teotihuacán - Cholula - Puebla


    We begin our tour by going to TEOTIHUACAN, which in Nahuatl means “the place where men become gods”, and is one of the most impressive cities from the ancient world. We will admire the pyramids of the sun and the moon, entry ticket and visit. We continue our route to the very picturesque CHOLULA, with its beautiful square, its tunnels under the pyramid and the picturesque sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios from where you can admire the magnificent panorama. Time to have lunch. After that and very close, we travel to PUEBLA, a historic city known for its gastronomic tradition, colonial architecture and ceramics. its great Renaissance cathedral and its active zocalo (main square) stand out. Free time at leisure.


    Puebla - Monte Alban - El Tule - Oaxaca


    We travel to the state of Oaxaca, through mountainous regions with pleasant landscapes. Arrival in OAXACA at the end of the morning - Visit included to this UNESCO World Heritage City of Aztec origin with its impressive monumental heritage. Shortly after, we go up to the site of MONTE ALBAN, which is set deep in a 400-metre mountain above the Valley of Oaxaca – entry tickets and visit are included. This is the most magnificent of the Zapotec cities. Free time in Oaxaca, an extremely beautiful colonial city which is full of life.


    Oaxaca - San Pablo Villa de Mitla - Tuxtla.

    Breakfast:Hotel    Lunch:Oaxaca

    We leave early and stop at SAN PABLO VILLA DE MITLA, a magical town. We allow time for a walk together to the Church of San Pablo dating back to the Sixteenth Century and through its beautiful rustic streets. We continue our route in the sierras of Oaxaca towards the Isthmus. Lunch is included en route. At the end of the afternoon, we arrive in TUXTLA GUTIERREZ, the capital of the state of Chiapas. We will go with our guide to the Marimba Park, where we will listen to a live group playing the Marimba, the emblematic instrument of Chiapas.


    Tuxtla - Sumidero Canyon - Chiapa del Corzo - Zinacantan - San Juan de Chamula - San Cristobal


    We see the CAÑON DEL SUMIDERO, on a boat we sail up this impressive canyon almost 1 km deep and 14 km long. Then we take a stroll in CHIAPA DEL CORZO, a colonial site of tradition and culture. After this, we go further into the Mayan culture and visit beautiful villages inhabited by the Tzotziles Indians. In ZINACANTAN we can admire the dresses of the women and the beautiful shops and weaving workshops. In SAN JUAN CHAMULA we will be surprised by its church which mixes Christianity with pre-columbine traditions in its rites. Continuation to SAN CRISTOBAL DE LAS CASAS, arrival at lunchtime. Afternoon free in this very beautiful colonial city founded in 1528.


    San Cristobal - Ocosingo - Agua Azul - Misol Ha - Palenque.

    Breakfast:Hotel    Lunch:Agua Azul    Dinner:Palenque

    A stage of beautiful mountain scenery inside Chiapas, visiting areas inhabited by communities that have maintained their Mayan language and traditions. A stop in OCOSINGO, the regional capital. After that we continue to AGUA AZULadmission included to the National Park, lunch included and time to walk or bathe among the more than 50 waterfalls between three and 30 metres tall. We go on to MISOL HA, an impressive waterfall that you can walk behind.  Continuation to PALENQUE -dinner included and accommodation.   

    Note: in some instances, roadblocks might be expected in the region of Ocosingo due to local social issues. In that event, we would take an alternative route visiting the City of Villahermosa and the ecological reserve of Yumka instead of the usual stops at Ocosingo, Agua Azul and Misol Ha.


    Palenque - Campeche

    Breakfast:Hotel    Dinner:Campeche

    We visit the impressive archaeological site of PALENQUE, a Mayan city surrounded by jungle, where we will see its temples, pyramids and ball game. Admission and tour with local guide included. Afterwards, we travel to the Gulf of Mexico through the state of Tabasco. CAMPECHE, arrival in this Mexican port city known for its colonial buildings and its 17th century fortifications created to face pirate attacks. Dinner included.


    Campeche - Merida


    We leave for the state of Yucatan. In a bit over two hours, we arrive to MERIDA. Tour of the city, the vibrant capital of the Mexican Yucatan State boasts a rich colonial and Mayan heritage. We see the fortified cathedral of Merida and the limestone church of the Third Order as well as the House of Montejo, a 16th century mansion and the emblem of Plateresque colonial architecture. Free time in the afternoon, we suggest you to visit the Museum of the Mayan World on your own. In the evening, we include a transfer to attend the ¨Sacred Stones” show of light and sound. Accommodation.


    Merida - Izamal - Chichen Itzan - Rio Lagartos

    Breakfast:Hotel    Lunch:Merida - Mayan cuisine

    Today we enjoy a beautiful stage to see the Yucatán state. IZAMAL, one of the prettiest cities in Mexico, declared a ¨Magic town¨. In CHICHEN ITZAN, we include admission and a visit to the most important and renowned vestige of the Mayan civilization, a World Heritage Site where we see the mythical pyramid of Kukulcán and the warriors´ temple. After the visit we include a Mayan cuisine lunch. We continue to RIO LAGARTOS, a small fishing village in the middle of a Biosphere Reserve. 


    Rio Lagartos - Valladolid - Cenote Choj Ha - Cancun


    Today we enjoyed an exciting day where nature is featured. In the morning we include a boat ride of over two hours. We enter the biosphere reserve, where we can see crocodiles among its mangroves, lots of birds including pelicans and pink flamingos. You can also ¨live the mud experience¨ by smearing mud with high concentrations of sulfur, minerals and salts that act as exfoliants for the skin, leaving a feeling of softness throughout the body. After that, we travel to VALLADOLID, the third largest city of the Yucatan with a very nice historic city center. We recommend you to have lunch in one of the restaurants of the main square. In the afternoon we visit the CENOTE CHOJ HA, managed by the local Mayan community, where we will walk along a short path in the jungle to explore its dry cave and where you can swim in the wonderful lake inside the wet cave. Continuation to CANCUN. Arrival at the end of the afternoon.




    Our services end after breakfast. We suggest that any travellers who wish to extend their stay for a few days can do so resting by the beautiful beaches of Cancun or the Riviera Maya.

    Pick Up / Drop Off / Meet Point

    Pick up at Mexico City airport upon arrival

    What's Included

    General Services: Travel by bus with English speaking guide, basic travel insurance and breakfast buffet.
    Includes arrival transfer

    Boat: Boat trip in Xochimilco in Ciudad de México, Sumidero Canyon.
    City tour in : Mexico City, Teotihuacan, Merida Mx, Chichen Itza.
    Evening Transfer: Garibaldi Square in Ciudad de México, Sacred Stones show of light and sound in Merida.
    Transfer: Basilica of Guadalupe in Ciudad de Mexico, Marimba music live in Tuxtla.
    Ticket admission: archaeological site of Teotihuacán, Agua Azul National Park, archaeological site of Palenque, Chichen Itzan site.
    6 Lunch or Dinner Included in: Mexico City, Oaxaca, Agua Azul, Palenque, Campeche, Chichen Itza.

    Booking / Cancellation Policy


    A deposit of C$500 per person is required within 3days after booking confirmation.

    Balance Payment due on 45days prior to departure.


    Customer may cancel the booked or confirmed services at any time, whereby they are entitled to a refund for the amount paid, but must compensate the agency, except in cases of force majeure, as per the following: The processing costs plus the cancellation cost, if these have been incurred, once the journey has been confirmed and regardless of the departure date.

                At time of booking confirmation:                               CAD500 or equivalent in local currency.

                45 days or more before arrival city/country              CAD500 Nil.

                Less than 45 to 31 days                                           CAD500 + 10% of basic land tour component

                Less than 30 to 21 days                                           CAD500 + 20% of basic land tour component

                Less than 20 to 8 days                                             CAD500 + 30% of basic land tour component

                Less than 7 day or No Show                                    100% of land tour component

    No shows at the start of the trip, without prior cancellation, will not be entitled to any refund (except force majeure cases, which will be examined on a case-by-case basis).

    Different cancellation conditions apply for some programs (circuits that include train / airplane / cruise) and during particularly difficult dates (fairs, special events, periods involving increased hotel booking difficulties).

    **The above terms & conditions only applied to this tour package and supersede our General terms & conditions.

    Other terms & conditions and cancellation policy, please refer to our web site. 

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